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Obama Shamelessly Downplays Ongoing Problems At The VA

IBD reports:
President Obama, in an amazing display of self-adulation, gave a lengthy speech to the Disabled American Veterans in Atlanta, Ga., this week, in which he boasted about all the progress he's made in delivering better health care to veterans.

Obama focused on how much his administration is supposedly delivering for vets. "Historic increases in veterans funding." "More clinicians." "More counselors." "More peer support." "More research." "More doctors, nurses, staff." "More mental health care." "More appointments." "More benefits."

Left unmentioned is the fact that Obama failed to do what he promised two years ago when the VA's wait-time scandal broke -- in which the VA was caught imposing incredibly long (and sometimes deadly) wait times on veterans while trying to cover it up.

Two years ago, Obama solemnly swore that he was "moving ahead with urgent reforms, including stronger management and leadership and oversight, and we're instituting a critical culture of accountability."
The great moments of single payer medicine.


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