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IRS with guns drawn. Boston taxi tycoon charged with federal crimes.

The Boston Globe reports:
Edward J. Tutunjian, the king of Boston�s struggling taxi industry, was charged Tuesday with federal tax and fraud offenses, three years after IRS agents with guns drawn executed a search warrant at the headquarters of his garage near Fenway Park.

Tutunjian, who has owned Boston Cab for more than four decades, was charged in US District Court in Boston with payroll tax evasion, employing illegal immigrants, and failing to pay overtime wages.

His company, EJT Management Inc., which bears his initials and through which he operates Boston Cab, was also charged with defrauding the Department of Housing and Urban Development by enabling EJT employees to obtain federal housing subsidies that they weren�t entitled to.
Notice ... "IRS agents with guns drawn". Imagine that.


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