I'm extremely pleased to plug a new important book - Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories - available now on Amazon edited by my friend Kevin Barrett. It's his third volume in a series of publications on false flags. First there was We Are Not Charlie Hebdo, then came Another False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino. And now Kevin has once again assembled journalists and scholars to contribute chapters to his latest seminal work offering an alternative explanation far more in line with the truth than the government's official false narrative. And I'm especially honored that Kevin asked me to contribute a chapter entitled "The Empire�s Post-9/11 Hegelian-Style Warfare Against Both the World and American Citizens." Below are a few comments about Kevin and his work, an informative review, the Table of Contents and contributing authors' bios. Finally, at the bottom of the page is a link to Amazon.
�Fierce debate� over
Orlando False Flag:
The Clash of Histories
(and its editor Kevin Barrett)
�Mr. Barrett�s views . . . have outraged some Wisconsin legislators and generated a fierce debate about academic freedom.� � The New York Times
Barrett �never expected to find himself carrying the banner for one of the most controversial theories of our times.� � Chicago Tribune
�Kevin Barrett is to be applauded for Orlando False Flag, his latest instant anthology false flag expos�. It presents a variety of sometimes clashing views. As such it�s an example of much-needed radical informational democracy in print, devoted once again to the key challenge of our time: vast manipulative deception by the American Empire.� �� Barrie Zwicker, author of Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11
Kevin Barrett should be �in the Charles River, floating down towards the harbor.� Bill O�Reilly, Fox News commentator
�Under these circumstances, the patriotic act is disbelief of the government narrative thereby rendering the actions of the Deep State dysfunctional.�
� Cynthia McKinney, former six-term Congresswoman and Green Party Presidential Candidate
�I consider Kevin Barrett the top analyst for false flags.� � Robert David Steele, former CIA covert operations specialist and pioneer of the Open Source Intelligence (OS-INT) movement
5 Star Review written by Robert David Steele
Blows Apart the False Government Narrative on a False Flag Event Intended to Advance Gun Control & Keep the Fear Going�
The Table of Contents is at the end of this review to help Amazon readers make their decision about buying or not buying. Many of the integrated pieces can be found free online but I believe that the value added by the editor in organizing this information is huge and worthy of your support.
Why is this book important? Since the assassination of JFK and the cover-up of that assassination led by LBJ, the USA has been under the direct control of the 1% and their fascist, pedophile, and deep-state allies. 9/11 was the largest and most treasonous false flag in the history of the USA (although the war on Mexico and the take-over of Hawaii are up there, both false flags in their own way).
Orlando, because of the level of detail that absolutely crushes the government�s false narrative, has the potential to awaken the public to the other less obvious false flags including Sandy Hook, Boston, and San Bernardino. Recent cop killings coincident with Black Lives Matter protests were carried out by white private military contractors � even the Black Lives Matters leaders are starting to see how false flags are being used to re-ignite a race war and distract the public from the fact that we are on the verge of a revolution (see Chris Hedges�s superb book, Wages of Rebellion because for the first time � and Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders both merit great credit for helping � everyone is starting to realize that �we are all black now� and this election is about We the People (the 99%) against the 1% that will pay any price in our blood, treasure, and spirit, to continue with their looting of the US public treasury and their destruction of the Earth.
This is as serious a book as you will read in your lifetime. Of course it has warts � it is not Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time � but for what we need, right now, to rise up and rebel and take charge of our destiny and restore the sacred nature of America and its Constitution, this book is a cornerstone. I am honored as a former spy who has *done* a false flag, to have a chapter in this public service publication.
Semper Fidelis,
Latino PatriotDemocracy Riots! We are all black now � deal with it!
Preface: The Clash of Histories Kevin Barrett, with Rafiq 7
Introduction: Orlando Nightclub Shooting�Another False Flag? Kevin Barrett 13
Part 1: What Really Happened in Orlando?- The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid? Robert David Steele 25
- Orlando: A False Flag Attack on Muhammad Ali�s Islam? Feroze Mithiborwala 59
- The Orlando Shooter Was an Asset of US Intelligence Agencies John Hankey, with Kevin Barrett 79
Part 2: Historical Context: Contesting the Narrative- Massacres: Where Have All the Islamists Gone? James Petras 85
- The Orlando Massacre: The Lies, the Exploitation, and Unasked Questions The Saker 89
- The Orlando Massacre and the Zionist Propaganda of Alex Jones Christopher Bollyn 95
- Orlando�s Geopolitical Context: The Empire�s Post-9/11 Hegelian-Style Warfare Against Both the World and American Citizens Joachim Hagopian 99
- Orlando Magic: Violent Passion Theatre James Hufferd 127
- Terrorism: A Matrix of Lies and Deceit Christopher Black 131
- This Was Not About Islam: Getting It Wrong About the Orlando Massacre Lawrence Davidson 135
- What About the Cops? Let�s Ban Assault Weapons for Police, Too Dave Lindorff 139
- Orlando Killer: CIA-Linked Son of Northern Alliance War Profiteer Kadir A. Mohmand 143
- The Radical West Has Given Ten Orlandos Every Day to the Muslim World for the Last 15 Years Javed Jamil 149
- Terrorism Privatized Gordon Duff 155
Part 3: Islam, Homosexuality, and Cultural Politics- A Gays vs. Muslims False Flag? Kevin Barrett 161
- Disco Inferno: The Great Satan Devours His Own Children Michael Jones 171
- ISIS and Homosexuality Thierry Meyssan 183
- Trump, Guns, Gays, and Islam Miko Peled 189
- Tell the Government the Gay Community Is Nobody�s Psy-Op Pawn Rafiq 193
Afterword: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Kevin Barrett 197
Contributors 205 Kevin Barrett, an American Muslim and Ph.D. Islamic Studies scholar, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. He has authored and edited several books, including ANOTHER French False Flag (2016) and We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo (2015) and appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has been widely covered by print media. Dr. Barrett is a former teacher of French, Arabic, Islamic Studies, and Humanities. He currently works as a talk radio host, nonprofit organizer, editor at Veterans Today, and pundit at Press TV and other international channels. His website is TruthJihad.com.
Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where he has defended a wide variety of criminal offenses, including acting as counsel in several murder trials. He has been involved in high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, including representing those accused of crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, and is on the list of counsel at the International Criminal Court. He has had his poetry published in Russia, the United States, and Canada and on his blog, One Voyce of the World found at www.christopher-black.com.
Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist and author whose early reporting on the September 2001 attacks blazed a trail the 9/11 truth movement eventually followed. He holds a degree in History from University of California�Santa Cruz with a focus on Palestine-Israel and has traveled widely in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. His books Solving 9/11 and Solving 9/11: The Original Articles are among the most important publications on the subject.
Lawrence Davidson is a retired professor of history from West Chester University in West Chester, Penn. His academic research focused on the history of American foreign relations with the Middle East. He taught courses in Middle East history, the history of science, and modern European intellectual history. Hailing from a secular Jewish background, he has published many works on Islam, Zionism, and US foreign policy, including Islamic Fundamentalism: An Introduction (1998), America�s Palestine: Popular and Official Perceptions from Balfour to Israeli Statehood (2001), A Concise History of the Middle East (2006), and Cultural Genocide (2012).
Gordon Duff is the Senior Editor of Veterans Today, the most-read veterans publication in America and leading outlet for the global open-source intelligence community. A Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War, he is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. He is also an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled �Don�t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.� It focuses on US international relations, leadership, and national security issues. After serving in the military, Joachim earned a master�s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at www.empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/
John Hankey is a high school history teacher who refuses to uncritically accept the textbook versions of controversial events. His documentary film The Assassination of JFK Jr. is a major contribution to the study of political assassinations.
James Hufferd has a BA in History, an MA in International Studies, and a Ph.D. in Geography. He has taught in various schools and universities, and has traveled and researched in 19 countries, including the Arctic and Brazil. Fluent in Portuguese, he was a research associate at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has written The Bells of Autumn, a Western historical novel; Cruzeiro do Sul, A History of Brazil�s Half-Millennium (2005, two volumes), the first history of Brazil published in English since 1819; The Majoritarian Solution, an assessment of American corporatism (1985); Homeland: A Comedy (a satiric novel); and Troublesome Country (a historical-political essay). The founder of a local 9/11 Truth group, he serves as Grassroots Coordinator for 911truth.org.
Javed Jamil is a medical doctor, Islamic scholar and leading Muslim intellectual. He has published more than a dozen books and hundreds of articles in a wide range of fields, including medicine, religion, economics, current affairs, physics, political sciences, philosophy, literature (Urdu poetry), and planning. Much of his work focuses on a potential Islamic alternative to the Western atheist-materialist-capitalist model. His book Muslims Most Civilized, But Not Enough debunks the canard of Islamic civilizational backwardness, showing that Muslims are statistically out-performing non-Muslims on almost all key well-being indicators.
E. Michael Jones, Ph.D., one of America�s most notable Catholic intellectuals, is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of numerous books and e-books. His fields include history and cultural critique, focusing on the relationship between Catholicism and secular culture. He has worked as an independent scholar and intellectual since being forced out of an academic position at St. Mary�s College in Indiana�an ostensibly Catholic institution�due to his public opposition to abortion.
Dave Lindorff is a founding member of the journalist-run online newspaper www.thiscantbehappening.net, a Project Censored award-winning collective. Lindorff has long been active on journalistic issues, and was a founder of the National Writers Union in 1983, serving for many years in leadership positions in that union. He is a columnist for Counterpunch and the author of several books, including This Can�t Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy; Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal; and The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office.
Thierry Meyssan is a leading French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. His columns specializing in international relations are featured in newspapers and magazines in Arabic, Spanish, and Russian. His last two books published in English are 9/11 The Big Lie and Pentagate, both of which were early and seminal contributions to 9/11 research.
Feroze Mithiborwala is an Indian secular activist who devotes his efforts principally to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Western imperialism in Asia. He is best known for having lead a humanitarian convoy that travelled from India to Gaza in the winter of 2010�11. Mithiborwala is president of Awami Bharat, an Indian political group involved in an �international struggle against imperialism, Zionism, and Brahmanism.� He is the founder-convener of the Muslim Intellectual Forum of India and of the South Asian Solidarity Initiative. Mithiborwala is perhaps India�s most prominent voice of the global movement to expose state-sponsored false flag terrorism.
Kadir A. Mohmand is the former representative for North America of the Afghan Freedom Fighters in the 1980s. Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, Mr. Mohmand interrupted his university studies in Europe during the 1980s, and returned to Afghanistan to fight as a freedom fighter against the Soviets and Afghan communists. Through an arrangement with Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Mr. Mohmand would bring back wounded Afghan children and Mujahideen for medical treatment at Borgess and recuperation in his home in Kalamazoo. He has served as president of a nonprofit, Aid for Afghanistan, and currently works as an advocate for a true Afghan peace process.
Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist living in the US. He was born and raised in Jerusalem. Driven by a personal family tragedy to explore Palestine, its people, and their narrative, he has written a book about his journey called The General�s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. In the forward to the book, Pulitzer prize-winner Alice Walker writes: �There are few books on the Palestine/Israel issue that seem as hopeful to me as this one.�
James Petras is a Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York. He is the author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has published over 2,000 articles in nonprofessional journals such as The New York Times, The Guardian, The Nation, The Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, New Left Review, Partisan Review, TempsModerne, and Le Monde Diplomatique.
Rafiq is the pen name of writer and filmmaker Robert Sean Lewis. He wrote his first book, Gaj: The End of Religion (2004), to counter the idea of �God� as an individual who could take sides in the �war on terror.� His memoir, Days of Shock, Days of Wonder (2016), tells the story of his confrontation with the spiritual and cognitive dissonance of the 9/11 age. His documentaries Be Smile: The Stories of Two Urban Inuit (2006) and Khanqah: A Sufi Place (2011) are online at Vimeo.
The Saker is a pseudonym for a top-level American military analyst who lives in Florida. (A saker is a very large falcon, native to Europe and Asia.) An expert in military and strategic analysis, intelligence issues, Russian geopolitics, and traditional Orthodox Christianity, the Saker is the author of a leading world affairs blog, The Vineyard of the Saker, which gets 50,000 page views per day. Volunteers have begun putting out French, German, Serbian, and Russian language versions, and there is even a New Zealand edition. These editions add another 20,000 views per day to his global reach.
Robert David Steele is a former CIA Clandestine Services Case Officer (C/O) who is also the most published intelligence reformer in the English language with eight books, two of them with Forewords by Senators. For a quarter century he has sought to redirect the craft of intelligence (decision-support) away from spies and secrecy enabling war and waste, toward open sources and methods favorable to peace and prosperity. Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501(c)(3) devoted to teaching holistic analytics, true-cost economics, and open source everything engineering (OSEE).
Notes 211
The Amazon link... https://www.amazon.com/Orlando-False-Flag-Clash-Histories/dp/0996143033/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1470251340&sr=1-2&keywords=orlando+false+flag