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Lost Museums Conference @ Brown, May 6-8

American Science alum Lukas Rieppel has extended a warm invitation to readers of this blog to visit Brown University for the upcoming Lost Museums conference from May 6th - May 8th. The symposium will kick off with an artist's talk by Andrew Yang from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, followed by a reception at RISD's Nature Lab. Then, there will be two days of talks on the theme of "lost museums" -- which includes the death and deterioration of museums, the afterlives of collections, and questions about ephemerality, impermanence, and inauthenticity. In addition to Andrew Yang, there will also be keynote presentations by Elizabeth Merritt from the Center for the Future of Museums, as well as noted the installation artist and photographer Rosamond Purcell.

Registration (free!) is encouraged, but not required. (We're also told that nobody will be checking tickets, so feel free to attend even if you don't manage to register.)
See here more information on speakers and logistics.


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