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Idle No More

Grant --

Welcome to #INMroots Number Eight!   The goal of the #INMroots newsletter is to share news stories that promote Indigenous rights and sovereignty and the protection of land and water. The newsletter will share our stories and actions, and honour resistance, while celebrating the world that we are protecting.


We are all invited to add to this newsletter. Post your story now! The deadline for the next newsletter is midnight on Sunday May 24th. We will accept all submissions that are connected to Indigenous and environmental issues as long as they do not condone or promote violence or lateral violence or include hate speech. 

The next newsletter will be published on Monday June 1st, so check your inboxes!

If you see a news story on your social media networks that is worth sharing, please tag #INMroots.



�Shell No!� Indigenous Activists To Confront Shell To End Arctic Drilling At Shareholder Meetings In Netherlands And London

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International Two Spirit Gathering

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Emergency in Brazil -  Bid to Legislatively usurp the legal rights of the indigenous peoples of Brazil to their land

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How Investment Arbitration Threatens State's' Sovereignty, Democracy - Ecuadorian Anti-Chevron Update:

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Tiny American Indian Tribal Nation involved with International Tribal Diplomacy

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Mauna Kea Open Letter Calling Academics to Divest from Thirty Meter Telescope

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United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Youth Suicide and Self-Harm and the recommendations made by Native Youth

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Amazonian Dredging Halted Until Indigenous Are Consulted

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Mauna Kea War Crimes Complaint Filed In Canada

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Thousands Rally in DC to demand Justice for Ecuador

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Parents of Missing Mexican Students Begin South America Tour source by teleSUR.

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Maori representatives against oil exploration meet with Saami Parliament

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High Court Orders Belize to Recognize and Protect Maya Traditional Property and Rights

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Emergency in Brazil



Anishinaabe Treaty 3 Water Walk

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Indigenous Women Rising Symposium, Orangeville ON: May 23

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We are the Land - Energy and Food Sustainability Conference

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OTTAWA: Time for Reconciliation KAIROS Gathering:  May 29 - June 3

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Cuyahoga River Water Walk: June 22 - 27

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Trail of Tears Walk 2015

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Hornepayne First Nation Elders Council Update

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Support Winnipeg�s Got Bannock

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Grassy Narrows - Injunction against First Nation activist Judy Da Silva dissolved

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Fossil Fuel Extraction Dangers: Native American and Women�s Organizations Request UN Help on Sexual Violence

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Noise, water quality and wells among concerns at Wabigoon gold mine consultations

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Valcourt unsure about details when questioned by MPs on First Nations children, youth

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Walkers Image



Neenanew Oshkapewisak - "The Helpers" Walk from Cochrane to Ottawa

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Nunavut university promoted as voice and inspiration for Inuit culture

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Critics voice concerns over privatization of First Nations drinking water

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Mauna Kea Sky



Havasupai Tribe and Allies Fight to Stop Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

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Environmental groups, Ute Tribe worried about radon emissions from uranium mill, ask state to intervene

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Young Din� Walk Another 350 Miles in Prayer for People, Land, Culture

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Bead Work Image



NATIVE-IMMIGRANT presents: Beadworks: Visions of Peace Art Show-- CALL FOR ARTISTS

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Enbridge oil pipeline over Grand could devastate Six Nations water

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Tories Kill Bill Urging 'Harmony' Between Canadian Law And First Nations

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Indigenous people are already criminalized and Bill C-51 hasn't even passed yet

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Seal Meat Meals Give Montreal's Homeless Inuit Taste Of Home

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Red Jam Slam Image



Red Jam Slam Radio Festival

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Unist'ot'en Camp - Late Spring Camp Update

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No pipeline approval from First Nations without safeguards: Grand Chief

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Alberta doctor that found higher rates of cancer in First Nation communities fired by health board

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Shell gets paddled in Seattle:

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Transgender Aboriginal student president opens up about discrimination

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Idle No More � Canada
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