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I recently had the opportunity to ask former Marine Intelligence and CIA officer, noted political activist and the foremost proponent of  Open Source Intelligence Robert David Steele a series of questions focused on his proposal for an Electoral Reform Act 2016. It is designed to end the corrupt two party system as a major step toward restoring our lost democratic republic.

Answers for Joachim Hagopian on Electoral Reform

  • Joachim Hagopian
    Joachim Hagopian
    Obviously the goal is to get the most viable presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to buy into your electoral reform bill as the leaders who could then sell it to the voting public. What if they either remain unreceptive or tell you, �yeah it looks good on paper, but that kind of radical change doesn�t come overnight, so we need to move in smaller incremental steps.� How would you respond to these two scenarios?

Robert David Steele Vivas
Sadly, they have both blown me off, as have various others including Senator Mark Warner of Virginia and Michael Bloomberg, whom I had hoped would see that the Electoral Reform Act of 2016 was something he and the Senators from New York could move forward regardless of whether he ran for president of not.  All I can do is keep posting to the Internet, posting Amazon Kindle white papers such as my latest, Democracy Riots! We are all black, deal with it!, and hope that over time the meme is picked up.  I consider it very sad that all of Bernie Sanders� admirers and all of the progressive press outlets pre-disposed to support ubber-fascist Hillary Clinton, are absolute ignorant of or unwilling to explore the reality that 60% of our voters have been completely disenfranchised, and the two-party tyranny is actively blocking the Constitution, Green, Justice, Libertarian, Reform, and Working Families parties from ballot access, along with all Independents.  What I learned in 2012 as a candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination is told in my article, �How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny� (Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012).
Right now I consider Donald Trump a potential savior who will self-destruct, and Bernie Sanders a fraud with potential. Imagine if they both came together and agreed to co-sponsor a virtual Constitutional Convention, an unemployment workshop, and the Electoral Reform Summit that would force the Republican Party controlling Congress to pass the Electoral Reform Act of 2016, one that would over-turn the unfair super-delegate advantage that Hillary Clinton has bought or blackmailed her way to? Imagine if Trump and Sanders announced that if they won they would restore the Constitutional traditional of making the other candidate the Vice President, and they would work together to create a Coalition Cabinet able to guide an evidence-based government? For them to not do this suggests they are both part of the Establishment, and merely an advanced form of theater much as Chris Hedges has written about his book, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.
  • Obviously the two party system has all the money and political clout supported by the Supreme Court Citizens United decision to make it legal to buy the president and Congress. Since 99% of Congress members are members of this two party system, how would you entice them to literally bite and destroy the hand that feeds them by voting for the reform bill. Undoubtedly they would perceive it as political suicide much the same way being critical of Israel and losing AIPAC�s financial backing is. How would you entice Congress members to embrace reform particularly if you cannot get the likes of Trump or Sanders behind it?
Article 1 of the Constitution calls for Congress to balance the power of the Executive.  For centuries a diversity of parties honored this aspect, often achieving considerable bi-partisan comity. All of this was destroyed by Newt Gingrich when he set out to destroy Speaker Jim Wright and himself become Speaker. He turned all Members into foot-soldiers for their parties, forced to vote the party line (that is sold to any of the 40 odd billionaires that own Congress, as itemized by US News & World Report. The story of how Gingrich subverted Congress is told in The Ambition and the Power�The Fall of Jim Wright : A True Story of Washington.
To destroy the two-party tyranny and its toxic grip on Congress demands an Electoral Reform Act of 2016 and the election of 20-30 new Members into the seats being vacated.  My ideal would be ten Constitution and Libertarian members, ten Green and Working Families Members, and ten Independent Members.  I tried to get Tom Steyer to focus on this, my memorandum to him is posted online, but to no avail. I am constantly astonished at how na�ve and unfocused our well-intentioned billionaires are.
From where I sit, Trump and Sanders, together with Bloomberg and the Senators from New York, and some others such as Senator Elizabeth Warren, have the power to force the issue of an Electoral Reform Act of 2016, right now, before the primaries in May and June. I do not understand why they all refuse to embrace these fundamental ideas so in keeping with our Constitution and our ideals, but it is what it is.
As I outline in my proposals to Trump, Sanders, Bloomberg, and Steyer specifically, the Electoral Reform Act of 2016 focuses on electing free spirits to the vacated seats, not on threatening the two-party tyranny directly � the Members of the two-party tyranny would then receive one term in which to reassert their role as representatives of their constituents and we would end party control of privileges, assignments, and budgets in the Congress.
If Trump, Sanders and others refuse to engage on the Electoral Reform Act of 2016, then we must conclude they are all part of what Chris Hedges calls the triumph of spectacle, and we must prepare for a violent revolution�.almost all of the preconditions of revolution exist in the USA today (and other major Western countries), we are at a point we must heal ourselves or die trying.
  • Americans have become so dumbed down, apathetic and disempowered that a huge percentage of our population would be either too cynical, doubtful or apathetic to take electoral reform seriously. How would you get past this challenge to educate, empower and motivate citizens to become politically active and involved in electoral reform?
I am truly saddened by the ease with which George Soros is able to manipulate the so-called progressives who have not learned how to think for themselves, and I hope that Trump and his followers can demonstrate absolute discipline to show that it is the agitators who are spewing hate, hurling epithets, and inciting violence. I have not, however, given up on America. There is a very large body of veterans � over twenty million � as well as law enforcement officers � close to three million � and very large bodies of people of color, single moms, recent college graduates without jobs, and old guys like me � who are capable of thinking clearly.
What we have been missing is a precipitant of revolution, like the Tunisian fruit seller.  I wrote an article for CounterPunch, �On the Seventh Day: A Fantasy,� that opens with a soccer mom torching herself on the steps of Capitol Hill after first posting a denunciation and manifesto to YouTube. That is the kind of precipitant we are missing. The assassination of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders would serve as well.
  • Do you foresee the elitist power structure using the corrupted judicial system as a weapon to thwart any chance of reform becoming successful? Do you have a strategy to deal with legal barriers that might be imposed?
In my view the legal system is effective only as long as 80% accept its legitimacy. We are far past that point. Matt Taibbi has written two Nobel-level books in the past decade, the first chronicled the merge of financial and political crime (Griftopia�Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America) and the second documents the complete collapse of the US legal system (The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap). We are now at a point where violent revolution is the alternative to electoral reform and the good news is that the uniformed officers are by and large on the side of the 99% � as Chris Hedges so wisely observes in Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt, the 1% can continue to repress the 99% only if the uniformed officers continue to support the elite. That is no longer the case, in my view.
  • What you�re introducing here with your reform bill is a fundamental transformation of power from the ruling elite that�s had it their way virtually forever to the people as informed, empowered citizens participating in the democratic process that our Founding Fathers envisioned. Evil power as we know isn�t going to passively sit by while it�s stripped away from the elite. Aside from legal channels to block your reform efforts, what other means do you see the powerbrokers taking to stop reform? And how would you respond to them?
I am huge on Truth & Reconciliation for the simple reason that vindictive justice is destructive, and there is nothing to be gained from confiscating what is essentially false digital wealth based on compound interest within a rigged system. Apart from electoral reform I call for communities to take control of their land and property � end all absentee landlords � and begin creating infinite wealth by following the precepts of Richard Wolfe, among other, who calls for the insertion of full democracy into every workplace. The idea of humans as slaves is with us still, wage employees are nothing more than slaves in costume. It is the five billion poor � whose economy is four times the size of the one billion rich (four trillion a year in aggregate income instead on one trillion a year) � that will save us. We need to deliver free Internet, free energy, and free water to all of them as quickly as possible, I have outlined a plan for doing this using Open Source Everything Engineering, delivered to the United Nations as Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) � Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price and subsequently refined as The Ultimate Hack � Resilient Villages, Smart Cities, Prosperous Nations at Peace � and Unlimited Clean Water.
  • As you well know of all people with your background having worked in intelligence for many years, the crime cabal government has employed hit squads seemingly forever in covert assassination programs by the rogue elements you�re obviously familiar with to silence/neutralize any perceived threat(s). They of course took out our greatest hope of leadership in the 60�s that could have shaped a different history. If anything, over time it�s only grown worse with the highly sophisticated remote technologies used now to induce heart attacks, aggressive disease, etc. that are virtually untraceable only further supported by a corrupt system that�s always ready to rubber stamp suicide or natural cause as cause of death. As a CIA whistleblower you probably have already experienced some of this as a high profile target yourself. They probably got to former FBI honcho Ted Gunderson and lots of others as well. How would you deal with these very real threats/barriers that could be used against you and others attempting to essentially strip power from the criminals currently holding all the power at their disposal?
We now know with precision that the US  Government was a party to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. We know, as you suggest, that many people have been assassinated, among whom I would include several Senators. However, the times they are a�changing. First off, I am simply not important enough to be worth killing. I have been very successfully marginalized, not only by the secret intelligence community, but by the progressive press that fronts for them including Mother Jones, Slate, Truth Out, and Rolling Stone, the occasional investigative piece not-with-standing.  All these people are generally bought and paid for; as long as I lack both celebrity and money I am not a threat. You are absolutely correct about the use of guns that can cause cancer and heart attacks, as well as the popular �Boston Brakes� or automobile computer hacking and hijacking such as was used to kill investigative journalist Michael Hastings. And let us not forget, they always have the old-fashioned methods, Gary Webb ostensibly committed suicide by putting not one but TWO bullets into his brain � and the US legal system accepted that.
By the by, I am not a whistleblower.  I have never violated my lifetime secrecy oath, I have never betrayed secrets, I am simply the most published legal, open critic of the dysfunctional secret intelligence sources and methods.
I consider intelligence to be the single best professional in the world, and the most important. I wrote a piece once on how politics and intelligence were not in conflict, as long as they both retained their integrity � politics is supposed to achieve best results for the greater whole, and intelligence is supposed to achieve best truth in support of political � which is to say in theory � human centric � decision-making.
In my view, we are ready for an awakening � a massive shift in public consciousness in which all the good people in the US Government that have been enabling treason by religious or ideological zealots as well as your garden-variety financial crooks say ENOUGH! Keeping Truth & Reconciliation in mind, there is absolutely nothing standing in the way of the United States of America becoming a prosperous nation at peace with the world. We the People simply have to want and demand that�.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled �Don�t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.� It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master�s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at Joachim is also a regular contributor to Global Research, and Feel free to contact me at  nandrtal[at]hotmail[dot]com  

Q&A Session with Electoral Reform Advocate Robert David Steele

Add one more way to lose all your life savings. Many of us have heard about the covert �bail-in laws� that already went into effect this year in Europe making theft of private bank account assets �legal� in this topsy-turvy world where chaos and high crimes rule the day. The precedent was set a couple years ago in Cyprus where private citizens woke up one day and found the money they believed was secure in their banks suddenly stolen by the banks. Despite the Treasury Department and MSM propaganda that the bailout cost taxpayers only $21 billion, it actually cost Americans trillions in lost housing wealth, 9.3 million citizens lost their homes from 2005-2014 through foreclosure or short sale along with plenty of lost retirement funds and lots of lost jobs. The untold misery and suffering of so many American people had insult added to injury when not one top financial executive ever faced charges but in fact were rewarded with obscene yearend bonuses. Already knowing the American public will not stand for another massive tax-supported bailout excusing the criminal banking cabal�s gambling addiction for misusing their money that caused the 2008 housing bubble crisis, now the $247 trillion in exposure to casino-generated debt derivatives created by those same bankster gangsters are manipulating governments to deliver deceitful backdoor thievery that will cause the next financial crisis to steal whatever savings they may still have left sitting unsecured in their bank accounts.

But this month yet another potentially equal red alert danger now lurks to steal all our money. This time it�s supposedly neither the private Federal Reserve banksters nor our federal government gangsters. It�s the criminal hacksters who gained access to central banks� digital assets and pulled off one of the biggest bank heists in history a couple weeks ago. I�m talking about the $100 million grab of Federal Reserve money that managed to recover only $19 million of its lost assets for a grand total theft of $81 million, still making it among the largest bank robberies in history. On the day before US Empire�s 2003 invasion of Iraq, per Saddam Hussein�s instructions to his son Qusay, $1 billion was taken from the Iraqi central bank. And in 2007 Dar Es Salaam Bank guards in Iraq lifted another $282 million.

Of course these greatest bank heists pale in comparison to the conveniently lost trillions by US government officials' looting of Iraq and US taxpayers. On the day before 9/11 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that he and his still unaudited Pentagon couldn�t account for $2.3 trillion. Only hours later co-conspirator New York Trade Center lease owner Larry Silverstein gave the �pull it� demolition order to take down Building 7 an incredible 20 minutes after the BBC reporter prematurely announced it had already collapsed. And then of course Building 7 is where all the Defense Department financial records were conveniently housed. On top of all this, amazingly Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense at the time, has the audacity to go twice on public record pretending he didn�t even know Building 7 was destroyed on 9/11. If lying was a crime, Rummie would be sure to get the death penalty. Perhaps he and the other treasonous 9/11 conspirators in Washington and Israel eventually will get their due for perpetrating the most colossal crime of the century.

In any event here�s what we know about the latest bank robbery. An online digital typo error prevented what would have become the biggest single bank heist in history at a whopping one billion dollars! The still at large hackers managed to navigate past all the security checkpoints of passwords and ID�s to access the Bangladesh central bank�s payment transfers. Overcoming this hurdle, the online bank robbers then made three dozen requests moving money from the Bangladesh bank to entities in the Philippines and Sri Lanka. The sophisticated cyber thieves were able to successfully transfer $81 million to the Philippines but a simple misspelling of the word �foundation� as �fandation� held up the Sri Lanka transaction of about $20 million to the NGO Shalika Foundation. Bank officials say that the routing bank - the nearly bankrupt Deutsche Bank - caught the misspelling error and asked for clarification from the Bangladesh central bank which then stopped the transfer. Reuters was unable to even find any information for the hackers� NGO Shalika Foundation that apparently isn�t listed as a registered Sri Lankan non-profit organization.

The Bangladesh central bank holds an account at New York City�s Federal Reserve for international settlements. The inordinate number of sudden requests made to transfer funds to private entities also tipped the Federal Reserve off into alerting the Bangladesh bank. It�s believed that the total number of funds requested that were successfully stopped range from $850-$870 million. A rather sobering and even scary realization is had the hacker(s) properly spelled the word foundation, perhaps a billion dollars would have been stolen before anyone in the central banking system would have even caught on that they were duped by some mysterious anonymous cyber-criminal(s) who fortunately for them flunked English spelling class.

The $81 million was deposited into four private accounts at the Philippine�s Rizai Commercial Banking Corporation. Officials of the bank were grilled by the Philippine Congress, underscoring the weak links in finance safeguards worldwide, especially since the stolen money came from a US Federal Reserve account in New York. The high profile incident also exposes liabilities in the global anti-money laundering efforts. This opens the can of worms highlighted in recent years by HSBC Bank scandal with ties to the City of London caught red-handed laundering dirty drug and terrorist money that governments and the terrorism network profit from worldwide drug smuggling operations that have netted billions if not trillions. Sinister military research part of black ops programs is largely financed the drug money that our Western governments criminally generate. The corrupt global financial system is notorious for laundering money through the central banking cabal and mob casinos all over the world. That fact alone has allowed the hackers in this case to use the Philippine bank as its launderer. Legalized criminal secrecy of shadow governments globally enable transactions into the billions to be routinely covered up.

In response to this case the Filipino presidential frontrunner Senator Grace Poe recently stated:

The trend now in the world is having bank disclosures, not bank secrecy. This is to prevent also the funneling of money down to terroristic activities, drug cartels, etc. We should be one with the international community in preventing such activities.

Somehow I very much doubt that her current counterpart in America, the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump would agree as his casinos have been linked to organized crime although he has managed to avoid indictment thus far. In any event, the Rizai Bank accepted the stolen money deposits and then sent them to the local casinos for laundering purposes knowing that the Philippine anti-money laundering law currently does not apply to casinos. In last week�s televised congressional hearing in Manila the bank branch�s customer service manager testified that he witnessed on February 5th after $81 million was deposited at the bank the branch manager loaded near a half million dollars in a paper bag and drove away with it. He also claimed that the manager attempted to bribe him with a sum of over $100,000. Meanwhile the incriminated branch manager�s lawyer said he has emails proving that senior Rizai officers from the main office approved of the money transfer to the casinos.

Back in February 2013 a Philippine senator chaired the hearing and decision that amended the Anti-Money Laundering Act applied to casinos after hearing casino lobbyists tout that their country�s casinos were rivaling other big Asian casinos and hamstringing them would only undermine the rising international competition that brought much needed revenue to the nation. So reluctantly he gave approval for casinos not to be covered by the law. Ironically that same senator is now tasked with investigating how the stolen $81 million ended up moving through the Philippine bank to the casinos and then disappeared. The scandal has opened up a so called black hole in the world�s banking security as well as bank and casino money laundering. The Bangladesh central bank governor and two deputy governors resigned last week. Meanwhile the money trail in the Philippines has grown cold once the $81 million reached the casinos as the hackers may get away with their crime. Though security researchers have attributed partial blame to malware and a faulty printer, the bigger fault clearly lies in the corrupt global financial system itself.

This business of online hackers cracking cyber security systems is anything but new. In 2015 the Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab disclosed that an estimated total of $1 billion has already been stolen by multinational hacking gangsters from up to 100 banking institutions around the globe just within the last two years. Last October a gang of cyber-criminals in Eastern Europe concocted a particularly virulent virus that infected bank records and drained �20m from UK bank accounts.

It�s becoming an increasing threat to life as we know it as louder warnings of worse calamities to come have been bombarding the Western pubic in both mainstream and alternative news media. America�s largest bank, JP Morgan admitted that last summer hackers attacked the bank records holding the names, addresses and email addresses of over 76 million households along with 7 million small businesses. That�s over a quarter of the US population�s personal information has already been compromised.

The elite of elite central banksters, the City of London policy head Mark Boleat said last fall that the next global financial crisis could make a huge bank and all its asset holdings suddenly disappear in an instant. In his words the bad guys will be:

�� Destroying bank records and changing the amounts people have in their accounts,� blowing up the financial system like a �neutron bomb� as �a bank will disappear, a national bank.�

Since virtually every major act of terrorism in Western nations is state sponsored by the Western government intelligence community as the handlers of Muslim jihadist patsies, the latest Brussels airport bombing another case in point, even more easily planned and executed financial terrorism committed by the diabolically minded ruling elite could manifest as the next sudden global crisis blaming an anonymous gang of cyber world criminals for ripping off everything we have insecurely stored as digital bytes in our local banks. We could easily wake up one morning in the very near future and find that all our life savings have just disappeared overnight, and the crime cabal elite could just say �oops, sorry but it�s just those bad guys who are apparently doing it to us again.� For years the federal government has been planning on one of these type cyber-world attacks causing the next international crisis. With their deep state secrecy, who�s to say that this incident was actually caused by some computer geek outlaws or the subhuman psychopaths that own and control the world. Regardless of �who done it,� the catastrophic outcome�s exactly the same.

Mainstream media and the banking industry are pointing the finger at a handful of hacking criminals, the lapses in cyber-security and the money laundering in the Philippines when the real culprit over and above all those smaller players is the global financial system itself. Again the banking industry is based on debt-based thievery with which the elites have enslaved the global masses for centuries, so why should so much commotion be made when a few anonymous hackers rip off America�s central bank when it�s been ripping the people off especially since 1913�s Federal Reserve Act. The crumbling bankrupted global financial system protected by its bought and paid for international crime cabal that presently governs every Western nation is the culprit behind terrorism, war, impoverishment, disease and every high crime committed in this world. Granted hackers can wreak havoc on the globe�s financial system, but clearly the bigger problem facing the citizens of this world is the tyrannical stranglehold the elite is imposing on the global masses.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled �Don�t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.� It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master�s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at Joachim is also a regular contributor to Global Research, and Feel free to contact me at  nandrtal[at]hotmail[dot]com  

Global Financial Crisis Blaming Hackers Coming to a Bank Account near You to Steal Your Life Savings

Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a blessed Holy Week. On my side, I am trying to get some rest and getting ready for a joyous Easter with my little family. 
I love everything about that dress: from the nude eyelet details on the perfect white fabric - very girly yet elegant - to the low waist skirt. It somehow reminds me of that one (here). I am thinking of wearing one of them to church on Friday. 

 Dress (Option)||| Jacket (Same)||| Shoes (Option)|||
Necklace set (Similar)||| Clutch (Similar)|||

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon.

P.S. See my weekly links up (here)

Another Vintage Dress

No sooner did I finish writing that last article, I watched Trump's nauseating kiss ass speech at the AIPAC conference and immediately felt I needed to redeem myself with a retraction of the preceding article. So I wrote what I believe now to be a far more accurate description of Donald Trump.  

No sooner did I finish writing my last article inferring if not suggesting that Donald Trump may prove to be more than a thorn in the side of the ruling elite, a couple hours later I was watching his speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference. I stand by my account of accurately detailing the over-the-top rush to judgment and all the mass media hype the globalists are viciously attacking in efforts to smear and defame Donald Trump. Calling him the incarnate Adolf Hitler himself is the same mode of character assassination by which Western leaders and MSM have relentlessly demonized Vladimir Putin as the pure evil dictator he is not. But after watching Trump�s AIPAC speech yesterday, my wishful thinking that Trump may just be the anti-elitist champion America�s been desperately needing and waiting for was disappointingly shattered.

As a journalist I do my best to report the truth as I see it. But witnessing Donald Trump paying such saccharine unholy homage throughout his entire half hour anti-Iran diatribe of pure unadulterated pandering before the almighty AIPAC dollars that have come to be the make-or-break kingpins lording over American politicians, for the first time I actually found myself embarrassed over what I�d just written.

In a d�j� vu-like moment I was immediately reminded of how so many of us were taken in eight years ago by Barrack Obama preying on America�s hope for change, finally electing a president that we believed would do right by the American people. Many of us citizens were swept up by our first elected black president�s promise to transform America from the sordid misery and untold damage of the preceding eight devastating years under the sinister Bush-Cheney regime. But once Obama took office, our sense of national betrayal began setting in when we started learning that �the hope� was all just an Obama act to get himself elected, and his true colors as a treasonous imposter were becoming clearer. Now Barrack Hussein Obama will likely go down as the worst president in history for actively destroying America. It was a bitter pill to have to swallow realizing Obama was same as the old boss, representing eight more years of the same tortuous neocon madness made of the same horribly destructive policies of war and chaos - only worse in Obama�s concentrated, accelerated form - than the previous criminal Republican administration.

As a nation we painfully learned that a Democrat occupying the White House was no different from a Republican. We also learned that presidential elections are a mere formality, an obscenely gluttonous, monetarily corrupt waste to simply buy the president. Over a half billion�s been wasted on just the Republican dropouts alone so far this year.  It�s degenerated into a tiresome ritual every four years that only provides an illusion of choice and self-serving fiction that democracy in America is still alive. It isn�t, not in this century anyway with two Bush stolen elections. We learned our democratic republic was dead, hijacked by an oligarchy that ruled in the land of the no longer free, with plutocracy and technocracy its closely associated companions. And of course the nightmarish transformation Obama delivered to America was not what we had in mind. Obama was groomed from his controversial CIA birthright roots to be the �Manchurian� president selected early on by the ruling elite to carry out the mission to undermine and ruin America. And with ten months still left in office to go, the globalists would have to give their Obama boy an early mission accomplished A+.

Following the elite�s marching orders, the Bush-Cheney-Obama regime chose to invest taxpayer dollars to the staggering tune of $6 trillion (estimated 3 years ago prior to ISIS invasion of Iraq), near 10,000 American lives lost in the so called neocon invented war of terror, wasted sacrifice in two protracted, still-not-over, imperialistic Mideast wars shamefully killing 4 million Muslims (including North Africa) to date, all promulgated on never-ending MSM propagandist lies demonizing manufactured enemies based on US oil and hegemonic interests exploited by the Greater Israel Project. And this doesn�t include the countless dirty little secret wars fought by US Special Operations Forces the world over covertly occupying three fourths of all the earth�s nations that we don�t even know about.

Modern Western civilization consists of nonstop history of war and bloodshed fought on Third World soil massacring Third World citizens just to maintain its imperialistic full spectrum dominance and control over the global masses and earth�s most valuable natural resources - a never-ending saga of rape, pillage and earthly plunder. Piggybacking off the 1980�s success of financing the use what was to become Osama and his al Qaeda proxy terrorists in Afghanistan to break up the Soviet Empire was followed in the 1990�s with al Qaeda helping to break up Yugoslavia in Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia. Then at the turn of this century came the neocons� PNAC partnering with both Israel and Saudi Arabia to at least on paper hire more Wahhabi terrorists to create its �new Pearl Harbor� and �endless war on terror� with the agenda to destabilize the planet, engage in regime change at will around the globe, and destroy nation after nation after nation turning them into failed state wastelands - Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan and Ukraine just to name more than a few in the last decade alone. All the while keep in mind not one of these countries ever posed any threat whatsoever to America, its �national security� or the American people.

After the Bush neocons with Netanyahu and the House of Saud deployed their CIA, Mossad, MI6 as covert handlers to finance and manipulate misguided young Muslim patsies to pull off such �new Pearl Harbor� events like USA�s 9/11, Spain�s 3/11, UK�s 7/7, with a little help from their usual friends, purported Muslims Obama and his CIA Director John Brennan then helped carry out last year�s French Hebdo and Friday the 13th attacks. Hebdo came within weeks after the French government moved to recognize the Palestinian State and talk of lifting economic sanctions from Putin�s Russia. Last November�s Paris false flag attack was the violent jolt US Empire needed to renew the allied coalition in Iraq and Syria spearheaded by France in their �endless war on terror� right after Putin had stolen their thunder busily wiping out the West�s longtime precious investment ISIS terrorists fighting their proxy regime change war in Syria.

Additionally to fuel Obama�s obsessive compulsion for gun control, a string of false flag mass shootings have been amateurishly staged from the first Fort Hood shooting in 2009 to 2012�s Sandy Hook and 2013�s Boston Marathon bombings to last year�s Chattanooga military post and San Bernardino killings among others, all except Sandy Hook blamed on so called Muslim terrorists working with CIA handlers all confirmed acts of Western state sponsored terrorism. The all too obvious agenda of the terrorism on domestic soil vis-a-vis mass shootings is to repeal the Second Amendment and implement gun confiscation from American citizens.

The true enemy of the people are shadow government agents and elected leaders acting as globalist pawns using a wide array of WMD�s within their unlimited arsenal to terrorize and murder their own people just to enflame and keep their war on terror going indefinitely. A war against Islam using Muslim scapegoats was created purposely to spread fear and hatred leading to fomented religious wars as part of the Greater Zionist Project. Ongoing oil wars in turn gave rise to the globalist manufactured migration crisis in Europe threatening to bankrupt and destroy that once prosperous continent.

Another lethal weapon the powers-that-shouldn�t-be frequently deploy in recent years is their scalar pulse weaponry (as evil misuse of Tesla�s genius) to demonically create unnatural disasters like volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes in order to punish nations that dare to defy Empire�s full spectrum dominance. The 3/11 Fukushima quake that�s been killing off Pacific marine life in the world�s largest ocean slowly poisoning the planet with unprecedented record radiation levels for an entire half decade now is but another example of the demonic forces at work to control Western puppets like Japan. Former Forbes Asian correspondent Benjamin Fulford has firsthand accounts of manmade Japanese earthquakes as diabolical manifestations of the international crime cabal seemingly operating with impunity around the globe.

The Washington neocons working within an evil alliance with the state of Israel and their Western affiliates all demonically dance to the dictates of the central banking cabal. The six oligarch owned mega-media corporations dictate and control over 90% of the news and information outflow, shaping public perception and opinion bias based nearly exclusively on deep state lies, disinformation and propaganda. The entertainment industry including film, television, sports, music and video gaming through today�s far-reaching technology multi-mediums wields massive brainwashing hypnotic trance-like effects to mold values, beliefs and norms of mass generations that make up an enormous global audience that further facilitates mind control and engineered programmed behavior over an increasing worldwide population. When we consider that a mere handful of human beings comprising the Council of 13 richest families on earth most visibly represented by English and European royalty along with the infamously super rich Jewish families notably the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers control the world and virtually all major world events and developments, it is truly mind boggling.

That�s why to become president of the United States in this warped, inversely disordered, perverse world even someone hated by the rulers of it like Trump must go before them, in this case the world�s most powerful Jewish lobby AIPAC, and kiss their ass. Of the $4,189,000 spent last year on pro-Israel lobbying, $3,388,700 came from AIPAC - over 80%. Those rare politicians that have been ballsy enough to criticize Israel are harassed and have their campaign financing dry up suddenly while AIPAC selects their opposing candidate to generously fund and beat them in their next re-election. So to stay alive in Congress, you simply do not bite the hands that feeds you and politicians become bought and paid for whores for Israel. That�s how Israel gets away with their repeated crimes against humanity.

As a case in point, despite boldly claiming just two weeks earlier amidst boos in a debate that Trump would dare �be neutral� in his negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, he was anything but neutral on Monday night. In fact the so called maverick was singing his masters� praises like a songbird. As degrading as sucking up to AIPAC was, striving to become a serious viable front-running presidential candidate, Donald Trump knew what he had to do to keep his hopes of becoming president alive. As the affection gushed forth, this intimate pillow talk statement says it all:

I will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel.

So Hillary and Trump took turns trying to out-woo the other in their lavishing praise for Israel and their powerful special interest audience. Trump made multiple references echoing the Zionist mantra blaming Iran as �the world�s largest sponsor of terrorism� when fact-check clearly points to the US-Israel-Saudi-Gulf States-Turkey-Europe-NATO axis-of-evil. His performance trashing Iranian and the Palestinian leadership elicited the desired effect from the zealots of Zion crowd cheering uncontrollably with synchronized ovation after ovation. Additionally in a symbolic holy gesture, Trump said he�s totally in favor of moving the US Embassy in Israel from its capital in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, drawing one of the more exclaimed cheers. Throughout his and Hillary�s speeches absolutely no sympathy or compassion was spared nor heard for the plight of the oppressed Palestinian victims from either frontrunner.

His first day on the job in the White House Trump promised to torpedo the US-Iran nuke agreement that took years to broker, maintaining that Tehran has already violated it and the alleged built-in loopholes have given Iran full speed ahead implementing military applications of its nuclear power capabilities. Of course for added fearmongering touch, Trump concluded if nothing is done to stop �that terrible deal,� fully armed with nukes Iran will attack Israel and perhaps even the US mentioning the missile tests reaching a distance of 1250 miles. His aggressive ultimatums he promised to punish Iranians and the Palestinians with as his top priority played like music to AIPAC ears. Like the best and worst of them, as the albeit unelected, veteran politician Trump is, he showed he can charm his audience like putty in his hand simply by throwing himself into every line and lie that they came to hear.

Never mind that Israel along with North Korea, India, Pakistan and South Sudan are the only nations on earth that refused to sign the anti-proliferation treaty (189 have signed) and Israel proceeded to illegally develop through US gifted and stolen nuclear technology to accumulate by the late 1990�s estimates of up to 400 nuclear warheads. Despite pressures to at least acknowledge and declare their stockpile allowing UN inspectors, Israel defiantly refuses� and the US is always complicit never even urging Tel Aviv. Israel is the only nation on earth that�s committed nuclear blackmail against its own allies vowing to deliver unilateral nuclear strikes as part of its Samson Option if it so much as suspects an ally of not supporting Israel.

But none of this matters, with such gusto Trump kept repeating how much he loves the brutal apartheid rogue state that engages regularly in genocide against the Palestinian people, illegally stealing their land, bulldozing their homes, constantly allowing more Israelis to settle in the occupied West Bank in newly developed communities while continuing to daily oppress and murder more Palestinians in a nonstop bloody crime spree that Israel forever gets a free pass on. Year after year the Jewish state perpetrates atrocities killing 2114 in less than two months in the summer of 2014 that co-opted partner-in-crime the US always looks the other way. Meanwhile every single year Washington would rather bleed its own middle class dry, faithfully sending more than $3 billion for Israel military aid ensuring that bullying, torture, maiming and murder of more Arabs with no accountability continues unabated. But let�s not forget that the Donald �loves Israel.�

And just to remind us once again how big and strong the political muscle the Jewish state possesses over US politics, Robert Parry of Consortium News wrote a poignant article this last weekend. A Zionist group called the World Values Network took out a full page ad in the New York Times with the message �Hillary Clinton must disavow her anti-Israel advisors,� referring to Hillary�s longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal and his son Max. Because the Blumenthals have apparently made statements critical of Israel, those behind World Values Network make it their job to go around policing others for exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech and accusing them of being anti-Semitic for expressing statements believed unfavorable to Israel. Some people not even of Jewish persuasion and Israel itself will often deploy a worn out weapon like a club lording it over others in order to subdue, silence, intimidate and/or manipulate guilt in anyone who may simply be offering an opinion or attempting to hold a Jewish person or persons including the murderous rogue nation Israel accountable for what may be perceived as negative behavior that may or may not have anything to do with anyone being Jewish or Israeli. It�s another overused variation of the race card theme. And it what�s allowed Israel to continue to bully and abuse Arab nations in the Middle East and beyond. But it�s also emerged as yet another harmful aspect of modern day McCarthyism. This twisted rationale is very similar to how perceived violations of political correctness that may or may not potentially induce offended feelings in someone on the planet now trumps running roughshod over free speech rights (excuse the Donald pun).

And then to hold not even a veiled threat over a presidential candidate that if she even wants to entertain chances of getting elected to the highest office in the land, she sure as hell better disavow and renounce her lifelong friendships or else on no uncertain terms she will lose the election. And the fact that the threat was emboldened onto the world stage in the form of a full page ad in the world�s largest circulated newspaper is nothing short of blackmail in boldface. I guess that explains why the mighty Donald must go before the biggest bribery group in all of American politics and pucker up to placate those same powerful interests. It speaks mega-volumes illustrating just how equally powerful the Jewish lobby is with its power to be so pervasively abusive.

The same day Parry�s article was published F. William Engdahl wrote a scathing anti-Trump piece for New Eastern Outlook about the narcissistic �Mafia Don� revealing the many years young Trump was the prot�g� of notorious gangster attorney Roy Cohn until Cohn died of AIDS in 1986. But as New York City�s Studio 54 attorney, up to near his death Cohn hosted many a parties and orgies in the famous club basement where young adult Donald described well known supermodels on display getting laid on benches in the middle of the room. A year after Cohn�s death Trump bought his first Atlantic City casino and began a series of shady partnerships with individuals linked to organized crime. But whenever asked about them Trump never fails to invoke the infamous denial or foggy memory. Engdahl�s final paragraph is classic Engdahl:

There are two possible conclusions to draw from the above documents of a fifty some year history of businessman Don Trump and a myriad gaggle of business associates who are tied to the mob. Either it is true, as he says again and again, that he was unaware of their mob ties and worked with them for superior their business skills. In that case, with fifty years of such abysmal lack of elementary due diligence in checking backgrounds of those he works with in the most sensitive positions, Don Trump is demonstrably not qualified, on national security grounds, to even be White House gardener. On the other hand, if the ties are with knowledge and clear intent, from Roy Cohn to those of the last several years, Don Trump then is a narcissistic pathetic real estate and casino gangster who ought never to step near the most powerful office on Earth.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled �Don�t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.� It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master�s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at Joachim is also a regular contributor to Global Research, and Feel free to contact me at  nandrtal[at]hotmail[dot]com  

The Anti-Elite Don Trump Cow Tows and Panders before the Super Elite AIPAC